I snagged a job as a Home Stylist at West Elm here in Seattle, and with all the training I've done so far, I feel more confident with fixing up our home. Before I was overwhelmed with all of the patterns, textures, colors, and arranging spaces in general. I was afraid of committing to a color or a pattern and didn't want to clutter up our space. But I'm taking it one room at a time. Starting with the foyer! So far, its a storage room and the dining room, it's small, and the walls are dark blue with a red ceiling! (I know...red ceiling?) I keep thinking it's a good spot for our dining room table but Timmy thinks the table would look better in our first living room (we have two living rooms). SO! Currently, I'm working with the foyer as a storage room/place to hang out and chat with whoever is in the kitchen. I wanted the paint the walls a lighter color to make the room feel bigger but since I'm broke and we're not going to be here forever, I'm working with what we have. These blue pictures are inspiring because I can see that white, dark blue, and natural colors all look pretty great together.....Here's the foyer so far. The wall behind the table has tons of shelves that I've covered with a piece of dark blue cloth. It helped the room feel cleaner and more spacious without sight of all that clutter. More later!

Don't mind the blurry photos!